Friday, March 18, 2011


I like this designer because she incorporates many geometric designs in all of her designs that show depth and contrast. Most of the websites designs are mostly dark with highlights, which has a cool effect for the viewer. He designs for many brands and covers for bands new albums and his work is very entertaining to view.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Emotion Designs

The design for angry shows the emotion through rigid text that is dense and has various colors that can be associated with the emotion of anger. The design for lazy shows the word lazy leaning back and going into the distance, just kickin' back and keepin' it real. The there are several variations of lazy where it seems as though the person writing it is being lazy and just giving up on writing all of it out. I also used several cool and calm colors that can be associated with the feeling of laziness. This design effectively uses gradients to show depth.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Logo Design

My first logo uses my name and shows that I like to listen to music. The headphones surround my name, using negative space to make it seem as though my name is my head and I'm listening to music.
My second design is for my clothing brand titled, "LAS Deciples Inc." My clothing brand would be based in Las Angeles. I used negative space in the background to show a silhouette of a group of gangsters, which creates a sense of depth.
The hardest part was coming up with my two ideas, but once I got my vision, the designs came together very smoothly.